Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Days and The Cold

Hola! Hope everyone had a egg-tastic Easter (I never get tired of that old pun). Last year the little man was only a few months old. The whole concept and joy of Easter went right over his head. This year, he was all in on the baskets, egg hunt, yummy food, and tons of family.

    Awesome bead maze from Ikea
Yummy dinner! Not pictured is the tasty homemade cheesecake with strawberry sauce.

We also decided to commemerate the day with a belly photo. However, in my opinion all the yummy food, coffee, and lack of water (I was a very bad prego) made the belly look much fluffier than it really is. 
21 weeks 4 days
Everything was wonderful. The hubbs got to spend a lot of play time with the little man while I was in cooking heaven. 
Then, Monday morning, The Cold hit. I'm talking WHAM! Sloshy head, sore throat, achy neck. I am down for the count my friends. I plan to spend this week drinking tea, water, and soup. Poor little man. My dinosaur roar and car vrooms have a little less oomph.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Earth Day Fun

Happy Saturday! Hope everyone had a wonderful Earth Day yesterday. The hubbs had to work, so the little man and I decided to quietly celebrate the occasion by working on these babies:

Hubby built them for me. Even the wood used to make them was recycled. They used to be the stands we built for our hanging string lights at our wedding. Thus the silver spray paint. Now they are serving a wonderful new purpose as our raised garden beds!

In these beauties we have strawberries, bell peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, and tomatoes. Eslewhere in the garden we have planted two clementine trees and grape vines.

As a newbie gardener, lets hope I don't kill them all. I should probably hold on to the receipts just in case. I can see myself now, doing the walk of shame into the Home Depot return area. Placing my sad, wilted, lifeless little spuds on the counter. Teary eyed I tell the young girl working the register "There was nothing more I could do..." Hmmm. Wonder if that would really fly.

Finally, take a look at my little helper.

I think my little monkey man is destined to have a green thumb. Just look how perky that grape vine is under his care.

Now I am off to make my secret recipe strawberry cheesecake for Easter tomorrow. I should also attempt to get my house in some semblance of order.

Have a great Saturday, and wonderful Easter!



Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh Where Oh Where Have I Been?

When I started this, I had all these lofty hopes and self expectations. I was going to blog every day. I was going to share the process of preparing our home for our wedding, all the neat crafts I was doing, what life as a mom was like for me. And in a way my prolonged absence truly summed all of that up nicely. Life.Is.Crazy.

Now that I have let myself feel the self disappointment of an unfulfilled goal, here is a very brief recap of the last several months.

Worked on the house. A LOT.

Hubby working with a stump grinder after removing a 25 ft tree

Worked on a whole lota wedding crafts. Someday I will add a little DIY section for everyone to flip through.
Had a beautiful wedding with my amazing man and all of our family. (Almost everything in this photo, the hanging lights, the banners, the photos, even the table clothes were done by us and our family)

Our first dance. My bustle went caput, so sadly my dress is pretty tromped on now. But in retrospect it doesn't even matter.

Celebrated a first birthday. Hard to believe this funny, smart, 
hunky little man has been with us for a year already!
The little man is tall and skinny. You would never know looking 
at him that he would eat the entire cake.

And gave my husband his very first Christmas gift since we said our vows. 
Maybe it's just me, but I think it was a memorable one.

That is the annotated recap of the very busy past 8 months. Not that I think so highly of myself that I imagine tons of people pouring over this little page. But if you are slightly interested I hope you stick around and enjoy. I have an endless list of things to do. Some are highly mundane, but some just might be worth reading.

